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Walgren Lake

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Walgren Lake is perhaps best known as the home of the Walgren Lake Monster, this northwestern Nebraska attraction on the edge of the Sandhills offers a wide variety of activities in a serene setting

Whether or not you see the Walgren Lake Monster, a mythical Loch Ness Monster-like creature that made national headlines decades ago, with a little luck you might see monsters of another variety – fish. The 50-acre lake is known for its excellent panfish population, shaded campgrounds and stone picnic shelter. The lake is located 2 1/2 miles east of Hay Springs and 2 1/2 miles south of U.S. Highway 20 on gravel roads.

(308) 665-2900
Walgren Lake
4175 540th Rd.
Hay Springs, NE 69347
ZIP Code


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