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The Sturdevant-McKee Museum in Atkinson is a period-home museum which was placed on the National Historic Site in 1999.

Brantly and Ellen Sturdevant moved to Atkinson in 1885 and built the house in 1887, and it remained in the family until it was donated to the Sturdevant-McKee Foundation in 1994.

The house is of the Queen Anne style of architecture and is furnished with items from the Sturdevant-McKee families. These furnishings illustrate life in the late 19th and early 20th century. Photographs of early settlers and family members, correspondence, and books will be available for study by researchers.

The Sturdevant-McKee Museum in Atkinson is a period-home museum which was placed on the National Historic Site in 1999.
Brantly and Ellen Sturdevant moved to Atkinson in 1885 and built the house in 1887, and it remained in the family until it was donated to the Sturdevant-McKee Foundation in 1994. The house is of the Queen Anne style of architecture and is furnished with items from the Sturdevant-McKee families. These furnishings illustrate life in the late 19th and early 20th century. Photographs of early settlers and family members, correspondence, and books will be available for study by researchers.
Hours are 8-12 and 1-5, M-F, with other times by appointment.

402 925-2726
308 South Main Street
Box 225
Atkinson, NE
ZIP Code
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