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Plainview Klown Doll Museum

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Plainview Klown Doll Museum has CLOWNS. Or, rather, Klowns. Thousands of them. Surrounding you from every side, smiling those huge, exaggerated smiles and bearing their terrifyingly huge feet.

The Klown Doll Museum in Plainview is definitely full of clown dolls, and anyone with the extremely common clown phobia would do well to stay away. But for lovers of weird, kitschy roadside attractions, the Klown Doll Museum is anything but scary. The Plainview Klown Band was founded to promote the town in a goodwill ambassador fashion. Years later, a small assortment of a few clowns in the Chamber of Commerce offices blossomed into a huge collection that grew rapidly thanks to donations from all over. This was the beginning of this odd little museum.

(402) 582-4433
Plainview Klown Doll Museum
306 W. Park Ave.
Plainview, NE 68769
ZIP Code
Pierce County


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