Bearringer Tax and Accounting was originally estalished by James Maxwell, a public accountant in Neligh, in the Mid 1960s. In 1986 Brian Christiansen bought the firm and changed the name to Brian Christiansen, CPA. Brian later purchased Forest Maple's practice, a former tax prepared in Neligh, in the late 1980s. In 1993 Brian expanded his business even more, and kept expanding by adding new clients for many years. Years later in December of 2005, Jarod Bearinger formed Bearinger Tax & Accounting, LLC and Brian Christiansen slowly transitioned out of the business.
Bearinger Tax & Accounting
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Bearinger Tax & Accounting is a limited liability company located in Clearwater, Nebraska. Their staff includes Tamara L. Bearinger, Jarod Bearinger CPA, Joshua R. Napier, Brynn E. Hughes, and Katie J. Koenig. They offer many services including; tax management, estate and trust planning and tax preparation, bookkeping/write-up, QuickBooks accounting help and assistance, mergers & acquisitions & sales, accounting services, IRS representation, entity selection and restructuring, and payroll services.